At Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change, we do more than just change oil. We also perform warranty maintenance and services. From transmission flushes and filter changes to gearbox services and fuel filters, we can make sure your vehicle is kept up with its preventative maintenance schedule.
Why is it important to keep up with these services? Critical components of your vehicle have oils or fluids that break down just like the oil in your engine sacrificing the protection of these components and causing premature failure and expensive repair bills at the mechanic shop.
other services we offer – Please call for prices
- air filter replacement
- cabin air filter replacement
- wiper blade replacement
- battery replacement
- fuel filter replacement (gas & diesel)
- fuel system & Intake cleaning service
- serpentine belt replacement
- light bulb replacement
- headlight & fog light replacement
- automatic transmission fluid service
- radiator service (coolant flush)
- power steering fluid service
- differential fluid service
- transfer case fluid service